Visit to the Bishop

Bsp TdeM wrote to DTA and said that Bsp Fellay was a successful strategist. DTA counters.

Frs P & H visit Bsp TdeM and Pablo tapes it and the visit does not go well (as expected?).

Bsp W writes a forecast
Fr Voigt writes an excellent letter
Father Hewko comments on the visit

The Resistance is on the attack.

La Porte Latine Promoted Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

This crisis in the SSPX brought to mind a video promoting the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate that was posted (and then taken down) on the La Porte Latine, the French SSPX District’s official website.  I believe this video was posted on the website sometime in late 2010, but I am not certain about the timeframe.  What I am certain about is that it was posted on the website at one point and then taken down.  It may have been taken down because of complaints.  In February 2011, I e-mailed the webmaster of La Porte Latine (and a few SSPX priests) about this to ask why this was posted on the website given that the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are a pseudo-Traditional group in which the priests celebrate both the Novus Ordo Missae and the Traditional Latin Mass.  I did not receive a response from the webmaster the first time, so I wrote again and again and never received a response.  I also did not receive a response from any of the SSPX priests.  At the same time, I sent a letter to the Capuchins in Morgon about this.  I did receive a response and was just basically informed that La Porte Latine had made a mistake.  Some mistake!


This is just another piece of evidence of the neo-SSPX’s direction towards Modernist Rome.


Here is the link to the video on  At the end of the video, there is a note indicating that the French subtitles were inserted for La Porte Latine.

Bishop Williamson Conference in St. Mary’s, Kansas

I would like to direct your attention to a conference given by His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson on July 2, 2013 in St. Mary’s, Kansas.  This is a no holds barred attack on the Liberalism of the neo-SSPX and, in particular, the Liberalism of its leader, His Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay.  In this conference, Bishop Williamson also speaks strongly against the silence of the SSPX priests who were especially formed to defend Catholic Tradition against Liberalism.  Perhaps this conference will give the courage to more SSPX priests to come and join the Resistance.  Their silence up until now has been deafening.  Most of the sheep have just been eating up everything Bishop Fellay says and does.  May God have mercy on these priests’ souls for not publicly defending the flock.


Here is the link to the conference:

Father Xavier Beauvais transferred

I have been advised by a reliable source, that this French priest, who led the charge against Homosexuality in France, has been transferred from St Nicholas du Chardonnet to be the head of an autonomous house in Spain. His crime – he housed Father Faure (solid Resistance priest, former District Superior of South America) for several days. This is considered scandalous and, it would appear, a demotion.

Father Beauvais has been replaced by Father Patrick La Roque (one of the four theologians sent to Rome) who held a conference in 2012 wherein he concludes that the new Mass was not legitimately promulgated and the new Code cannot be followed. Apparently, he is now a compliant priest.

Some of this information can be confirmed here: