La Porte Latine Promoted Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

This crisis in the SSPX brought to mind a video promoting the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate that was posted (and then taken down) on the La Porte Latine, the French SSPX District’s official website.  I believe this video was posted on the website sometime in late 2010, but I am not certain about the timeframe.  What I am certain about is that it was posted on the website at one point and then taken down.  It may have been taken down because of complaints.  In February 2011, I e-mailed the webmaster of La Porte Latine (and a few SSPX priests) about this to ask why this was posted on the website given that the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are a pseudo-Traditional group in which the priests celebrate both the Novus Ordo Missae and the Traditional Latin Mass.  I did not receive a response from the webmaster the first time, so I wrote again and again and never received a response.  I also did not receive a response from any of the SSPX priests.  At the same time, I sent a letter to the Capuchins in Morgon about this.  I did receive a response and was just basically informed that La Porte Latine had made a mistake.  Some mistake!


This is just another piece of evidence of the neo-SSPX’s direction towards Modernist Rome.


Here is the link to the video on  At the end of the video, there is a note indicating that the French subtitles were inserted for La Porte Latine.

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