On Sunday, January 26, 2014 Fr Jean, a Capuchin priest in Morgon France, with the permission of his Superior, gave a sermon to the Faithful wherein he outlined why we have to stick to principles, that there is a long history of doing so in the Church. He further explained that the position of the Resistance is that we are sticking to the principle as outlined in the 2006 General Chapter – no practical agreement with Rome without a Doctrinal agreement, and why we see that as important. He makes clear that he is not attacking anyone personally, not even Bishop Fellay, but it is important to present the principles at stake.
As a member of the Franciscan Third Order, I am encouraged that maybe some day, they too will join the Resistance. Fr Jean definitely sees the issues. Hopefully, someone will translate these important French documents into English.
Transcript of the sermon is here (as is the audio):
The handout mentioned in the sermon is here:
Brother Joseph, TOSF