Father Girouard Exposes Neo-SSPX Bloopers

I would like to emphasize a point that is being overlooked with the controversy over the video (which has now been removed at vimeo.com).
Fr Girouard’s point is not only to show that Fr Rostand and his video-making are fake, but to show that the Neo-SSPX is making major mistakes in the video “Against the Rumours” as well as in comportment.
Fr Girouard is making these points (which I am quoting in part):
At minute 6:40, Fr Rostand says they [the SSPX relations with Rome] had been broken after the consecrations of bishops in 1988 (true!), and were resumed on the initiative of Cardinal Hoyos in 2000 (false!)
At minute 08:54, Fr Rostand says that some of the pre-conditions requested earlier by Bishop Fellay for negotiations with Rome were basically fulfilled: “Some steps have been made… the Motu Proprio came out; not as perfect as we had wished, but a step towards the freedom of the Mass…” Second big blooper! Not only this document is not perfect, but it is evil!
At minute 09:07, Fr Rostand continues: “…then the lifting of the excommunications… we definitely also have some reservations about it, but these were important steps…” Third big blooper!
And Fr Girouard’s 4th point is even more important, so please read it.
Please re-read the entire editorial at http://www.sacrificium.org/article/sspx-bloopers-22-february-2014
as Fr Girouard would like his points to be understood, rather than have people focus solely on the silliness/inappropriateness of the bloopers video.
Father Girouard also wishes to emphasize that although the video is no longer posted at vimeo, it is still up on Youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb_D4clTKJA

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