


 (Beginning May 13th, Anniversary of the First Fatima Apparition)


As we witness the unimaginable and blasphemous new doctrine being pushed forward by Pope Francis and the Conciliar Church, and the equally unimaginable and compromising events slowly but surely unfolding within the Neo-SSPX as their train continues on its journey to Modernist Rome, as world events bring us ever more menacingly to the brink of WWIII….


As we hear about the “sky falling”…Planet X, solar flares, EMP’s, Yellowstone, earthquakes, contamination of our oceans and our entire eco-systems….tsunamis….


As we face the grim possibilities of foreign invasion, economic collapse, martial law and tyranny in our own countries, starvation, plagues, the death of millions, we cry out…..






like we’ve never prayed before!!


We can beg Our Lady of Fatima to help us in this, our hour of need




Let Us Unite Under the Greatest General the World has Ever Known,



Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?” (Cant.6:9)
Let Us Pick Up the Greatest Weapon at Our Disposal,



“Fight, Children of the Light, You, the Few Who Can See!”

(Our Lady of La Salette)


Let us Circle the Globe with our Rosaries

to form a





Let us unite our minds and our hearts, adding the intentions of this Rosary Crusade

to our existing rosaries, praying with attention and devotion for:


  • the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

as requested by Our Lady of Fatima

  • the conversion of sinners and in reparation for our sins
  • God’s mercy on and Our Lady’s protection over our families




From His Excellency, Bishop Richard Williamson:

“Bishop Williamson supports all efforts to obtain prayers for the Consecration of Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, and he asks Almighty God to bless all those who pray for that Consecration.”


From Fr. David Hewko:

“I think do it, without hesitation! Nations, families and souls are at stake! The Consecration of Russia as Our Lady of Fatima requested must be prominent. You have my encouragement and blessings!” 


(More details to follow…..)



ANNONCE, 30 avril 2015.

Croisade mondiale du Rosaire de la résistance catholique – commençant le 13 mai prochain, anniversaire de la première apparition de Fatima.

Comme nous sommes témoins de nouvelles doctrines inimaginables et blasphématoires mises de l’avant par le pape François et l’Église conciliaire, de même que les événements compromettants eux-aussi inimaginables qui se déroulent lentement au sein de la néo-FSSPX dans son odyssée vers la Rome moderniste, alors que le monde toujours plus menaçant se rapproche de la Troisième Guerre…

Comme nous entendons des choses à propos du « ciel qui tombe »…, de la Planète X, des IEM, de Yellowstone, des tremblements de terre, de la contamination de nos océans et de tout l’écosystème, des tsunamis…

Lorsque nous faisons face aux sombres possibilités d’une invasion étrangère, d’un effondrement économique, de la loi martiale et de la tyrannie dans nos propres pays, de la famine, de la peste, de la mort de millions d’individus, nous crions…



comme on ne l’a jamais fait avant !

Nous pouvons supplier Notre-Dame de Fatima de nous aider dans tout cela, notre heure dans le besoin


Unissons-nous sous le plus grand général que le monde ait connu,


« Quelle est celle-ci qui apparaît comme l’aurore, belle comme la lune, pure comme le soleil, mais terrible comme des bataillons ? » – Cantiques VI.10

Prenons la plus grande arme à notre disposition,


« Combattez, enfants de la Lumière, Vous, le peu qui voit ! » Notre-Dame de la Salette

Embrassons le monde de nos rosaires pour former une


Unissons nos esprits et nos cœurs, ajoutant les intentions de cette croisade du rosaire à celles que nous formons déjà, priant avec attention et dévotion pour :

  • La Consécration de la Russie au Cœur immaculé de Marie telle que demandée par Notre-Dame de Fatima
  • La conversion des pécheurs et en réparation pour nos péchés
  • La miséricorde de Dieu et la protection de Notre-Dame sur nos familles

« Son Excellence Mgr Williamson soutient tous les efforts possibles pour obtenir la Consécration de la Russie au Cœur immaculé, et il demande à Dieu Tout-Puissant de bénir tous ceux qui prient pour cette Consécration. »

« Je crois qu’il faut le faire, sans hésitation ! Les nations, les familles et les âmes sont à risque ! La Consécration de la Russie que désire Notre-Dame de Fatima doit être bien en vue. Vous avez mes encouragements et ma bénédiction!«    M. l’Abbé Hewko




Franciscan Comment on Return to Rome

La Porte Latine, the official SSPX website in France, has published a letter from the Franciscan monastery in Morgon, France: Franciscan Tertiary Letter No. 266 of March/­April 2015 (http://laportelatine.org/publications/editos/2015/15_04_primaute_de_la_doctrine_lettre_tertiaire_franciscaine.php).

The letter is a masterpiece, presenting in Archbishop Lefebvre’s own words the position that there must be no agreement with Rome until Rome converts.

So, given that Morgon has a history of sitting on the fence during the current crisis, given that the article is hosted by an official SSPX website, given that the French district is run by one of the most liberal Superiors, does this mean that the SSPX has again changed course? That now, the SSPX has joined the Resistance?

Let’s consider what the article is saying – it presents the view of the Archbishop, and the first Superior of the SSPX responding to a liberal priest (Dom Gerard), but all of the article, except for the final paragraph, presents what the views of these people were many years ago. Then it presents one comment of Bishop Tissier de Mallerais from 2014.

So, reading the article, you have a nice warm feeling that all is well.

However, does the article correctly portray what the SSPX leadership is currently proclaiming? Clearly not. The hierarchy proclaims to all who will listen that they want an agreement with Rome, that they intend to convert Rome from within, and that they are looking for the proper structure within Rome to accomplish this.

So why would Morgon publish this article and why would the SSPX leadership post this on their website?

Could this have anything to do with the recent events in the Resistance? In particular, the recent Consecration of Bishop Faure by Bishop Williamson? Since Bishop Faure is highly respected world-wide, they may well be afraid that the Resistance may no longer have the image of a bunch of independent, disobedient loose cannons. Remember that the SSPX is highly conscious of image these days! Perhaps the SSPX leadership is afraid that more of their currently docile priests could take heart and join the Resistance. Perhaps there are more priests like Fr MacDonald waiting for the right opportunity to make a move. Fr MacDonald did make reference to priests in England who are very solid and are not going to join Rome. In fact, there may be another Resistance priory about to be set up in London.

So, if London is waking up, maybe it is time for the SSPX to do some major damage control.

Morgon also has lost tertiaries to the Resistance, and many still inside the Third Order fraternities that report to Morgon are complaining about the lack of direction by Morgon on how to deal with the crisis. By issuing this statement, Morgon too may well be doing major damage control.

So, take the article with a grain of salt. It does reflect the position held by Archbishop Lefebvre years ago, and since Rome has not changed for the better, the article should reflect the views of Morgon and of the NSSPX today. But does it? In the case of the NSSPX, the evidence is overwhelming – it does not.

But nobody seems to clearly understand the position currently held by Morgon.


Ecclesia Militans Radio – Episode 1 – Antichrist Rising: The Diabolical Disorientation at Full Throttle (Interview with Hugh Akins)

We urge anyone wanting a CD of this interview to purchase it from Hugh Akins at $10.95 USD each plus postage.  Hugh has a growing number of important talks on CD, including the very essential 12 hour long narration of Fr. Denis Fahey’s masterpiece, “The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World” (this one sells for $12.95 USD each).


We also urge you to visit Hugh’s three websites and support his work:


www.CatholicActionResourceCenter.com (CDs may be purchased at this website)




This episode was recorded on March 18, 2015.


Play Audio:


Download Audio:

Antichrist Rising: The Diabolical Disorientation at Full Throttle



SSPX Gains Official Acceptance in Argentina

For a good translation, see:

A prominent member of the Resistance offers an important observation (and this says it all):
What I also see in it how they are using the Estate for this. If the estate is giving the legitimacy to the SSPX they also can take it from whomever they wish so.
Brazil have signed an agreement with the Vatican in 2009 ( http://www.concordatwatch.eu/topic-37261.834). Take a look in article 7:
Article 7
The Federal Republic of Brazil shall, in accordance with to its laws, take the measures necessary to ensure the protection of places of worship of the Catholic Church, as well as its liturgy, symbols, images and objects of veneration, against all forms of violation, disrespect and illegitimate use.
§ 1. No building, dependency or object related to the Catholic creed can, so as long as the social ends of the property and the [requirements of] the law are met, be demolished, occupied, transported, subject to alteration or consigned by the State and public bodies to different purposes, except due to the needs or utility of the state or because of social needs, in accordance with the Brazilian Constitution.

It means that if by any chance the Vatican declares that we are no longer catholics the estate could charge us for illegitimate use of the catholic symbols, liturgy, etc. And heard that those kind of agreement have been done with many countries since JPII. It very interesting to notice that this happened in Argentina just after the Consecration took place in Brasil.
The article 18 also leaves space for future addendum without any congressional approval.

The news is now posted
and includes a comment from the Vatican.
For another good analysis of what is going on, see:


Colouring Activity for Children

The Coat of Arms of Bishop Faure


Coat of Arms 1


In the centre is the Lamb of the Apocalypse, the Alpha and the Omega, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, announced by Isaiah. The hearts recall the Vendeé martyrs of the revolution and the Fleur de Lys is the emblem of Catholic France. The motto, “ipsa cónteret” (“she shall crush”) is taken from the Vulgate, Genesis 3,15 where God prom- ises the victory of the Virgin Mary over the dragon.

(explanation taken from “Exclusive Interview with Fr. Faure” with “Non Possumus” March 18, 2015)


Coat of Arms 2



If any reader would like to produce a similar activity for the coats of arms of Bishop Williamson, Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop Castro de Mayer, please send it to us and we will be happy to post it.


Pax et Bonum


Sister Constance TOSF