Bishop Fellay Appointed by Rome to Judge!

Other internet websites have transcribed what Bishop Fellay said in this talk on May 10, 2015 at Our Lady of the Angels Roman Catholic Church in Arcadia, California. Specifically at the 35:11 mark.

Notice what Bishop Fellay talks about before this disclosure. As in many other talks, he complains that he has received contradictory advice from different departments in the Vatican. In other words, he admits that for over six years he has been talking, “dialoguing” with Rome.

This is contradictory to the policy of Archbishop Lefebvre who refused to dialogue until Rome converts to Tradition. Have Pope Benedict and/or Pope Francis converted during that six year period?

Not only has Bishop Fellay been dialoguing, but in this talk, he discloses that he was appointed by Rome to judge his trouble-making (Resistance) priests!

The Archbishop would likewise be subject to Bishop Fellay’s judgment were he alive today! Would he too be expelled from his Society?
Excerpt from Bishop Fellay’s talk:
… “We are labelled now as being irregular at best, irregular means you cannot do anything and so for example they have prohibited us from saying Mass in the churches in Rome for the Dominican sisters who had their pilgrimage in Rome in February. They say “no you cannot because you are irregular.” And these people say that. They are people of Ecclesia Dei.

“Now, sometimes, unfortunately, also priests do silly things, and they need to be punished, and when it is very very serious, we have to make recourse to Rome; so we do. And what does the Congregation of the Faith do? Well, they did appoint me as the judge for this case. So I was appointed by Rome, by the Congregation of the Faith to make judgments, canonical Church judgments on some of our priests who belong to the non-existent Society for them and so once again on a beautiful contradiction indeed.”

Happy Queenship of Our Lady!


In this beautiful sacred image by Blessed John of Fiesole, also known as Fra Angelico the great Dominican artist of 15th century Florence, portrays the moment of Our Lady’s Coronation with the Heavenly court surrounding her.

Click the play button to listen to the music, right click to download.


Pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Sorrowful Mother


OLGS Mission would like to invite all to make a pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Sorrowful Mother in St Agatha, Ontario on Sunday June 7th at 1 pm.
We will view the grounds, then go inside to say the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross and sing the Te Deum.
Later, we can meet for a meal at the local diner, Angie’s Kitchen, near the Shrine.

Following the map below, as you enter St. Agatha, the Shrine is located on your left. Built circa 1860, this cemetery chapel contains over 100 relics of famous Catholic saints. Typifying the Swiss and Bavarian style, it is decorated with religious paintings imported from Munich, Germany.
Please note, that the Shrine is located near the St Agatha Catholic Church (a separate building). So keep an eye out for the Shrine itself.

Map to Shrine


If you would like to practise singing the Te Deum, please see this post


The score for the Te Deum can be viewed by clicking on the images below:





Pax et Bonum


Sister Constance TOSF


The Prophecy of St Francis

Just before his death, St. Francis of Assisi had a gift of prophesy about a future Church crisis such as ours.

He described a corrupt pontificate where Our Lord had placed a “non canonically elected destroyer” into the visible seat.
This prophecy, with Impramatur, should help resolve the papal legitimacy debate because it defines who Francis is and his role in Church history.

* * *


The Saint Prophesies Great Schisms and Tribulation in the Church

A short time before the holy Father’s death, he called together his Children and warned them of the coming troubles saying:
‘Act bravely my Brethren; take courage and trust in the Lord. The time is fast approaching in which there will be great trials and afflictions; perplexities and dissensions, both spiritual and temporal, will abound; the charity of many will grow cold, and the malice of the wicked will increase. The devils will have unusual power, and the purity of our Order and of others will be so much obscured that there will be very few Christians who will obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church with true hearts and perfect charity.

At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death. Then scandals will be multiplied. Our Order will be divided and others entirely destroyed, because they will consent to error instead of opposing it. There will be such diversity of opinions and schisms among the people, the religious and the clergy that except those days were shortened according to the words of the Gospel, even the elect would fall into error were they not specially guided, amid such great confusion by the immense mercy of God. Then our Rule and manner of life will be violently opposed by some, and terrible trials will come upon us. Those who are found faithful will receive the crown of life. But woe to those, who trusting solely in their order shall fall into tepidity for they will not be able to support the temptations permitted for the proving of the elect.

Those who preserve their fervor and adhere to virtue with love and zeal for the truth, will suffer injuries and persecutions as rebels and schismatics; for their persecutors, urged on by the evil spirits will say they are doing a great service to God by destroying such pestilent men from the face of the earth. But the Lord will be the refuge of the afflicted and save all who trust in Him. And in order to be like their Head these, the elect will act with confidence, and by their death will purchase for themselves eternal life; choosing to obey God rather than man. they will fear nothing and they will prefer to perish rather than consent to falsehood and perfidy. Some preachers will keep silence about the truth and others will trample it underfoot, and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days, Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer.

See Chapter XIII Pages: 248, 249, 250.


* * *

Thanks to “Incredulous” for locating the prophecy and providing the link:
So, what can we do, how do we survive the crisis?
Take the advice of Pope St Sixtus, who said that the Church would be rescued by two amazing men:
St Francis
St Dominic, who promoted a cord
And the advice of Our Lady


Alessandro Gnocchi: “Bergoglio Is Destroying the Catholic Church….He Is Not Catholic….”

More and more people of the conciliar church are acknowledging the destruction being wreaked by Pope Francis on the Catholic Faith.  Let us hope that the trend continues and that they finally come to realize (as the author of the reply below does) that the answer is the full restoration of Catholic Tradition and not a return to the “hermeneutic of continuity” of Pope Benedict XVI as many, even in the neo-SSPX, think the answer lies.  The Second Vatican Council and the post-conciliar reforms, especially the Novus Ordo Missae, must be condemned wholesale and placed on the Index of Forbidden Books.  When that day arrives (and it will), I will sing a “Te Deum”!


The following is an article taken from this link:


Italian author Alessandro Gnocchi (b. 1959) writes a weekly column called Fuori Moda (“Old-Fashioned”) for the Riscossa Cristiana web site, in which he answers questions people send him. In the February 4, 2015 installment, Gnocchi responds to a lady named Lisetta, who asks, with all the evidence he has provided about “Pope” Francis’ denial of Catholic truths, would it not be easier to “say what [Antonio] Socci says” about Francis, namely, that Jorge Bergoglio is not in fact a valid Pope.


The following is Gnocchi’s explosive reply:


Dearest Lisetta,


It’s true that, as you suggest, “it would be easier to say what Socci says of Bergoglio”. But it would be wrong in terms of the content and in terms of the method. I will try to explain it to you in a way that you might find schematic but, I hope, clear.


1. It is a fact and not an opinion that [Jorge] Bergoglio is destroying the Catholic Church — and I emphasize “Catholic” — with even admirable energy. But I do not agree with those who say that this is done in the name of an undeclared Third Vatican Council and, therefore, that the remedy would be the correct application of the Second Vatican Council. The disasters that led the Church to the edge of the cliff and many Catholics to lose their faith, come precisely from the correct application of the Second Vatican Council: not from its spirit, but from its words.


2. I have said this many times and I will not tire of repeating it: This Church deserves this Pope. Or better still, this Pope is the perfect expression of this Church, which is less and less Catholic, time after time. If tomorrow Benedict XVI would come back to the Chair of Peter, nothing would change, and the process of self-destruction would continue without interruptions, as it happened during the pontificate of [Joseph] Ratzinger and his conciliar and post-conciliar predecessors. It is evident that the virus was injected a long time ago, although it did not show up in magisterial documents until Vatican II.


3. I consider it a useless waste of intellectual energies to put together complex and even striking arguments about Bergoglio not being the Pope, so as to be able to criticize him. A Catholic can denounce, even fiercely, all the errors that are committed in matters of Faith by a Pope, although knowing that he is the Pope. In addition: If such a Catholic has the ability and the prestige to do so and he does not, he commits a grave wrong before God and the people.


4. I consider a bit ridiculous, and very pathetic, the thought process of those who deny the facts because they are then obliged to change their theory. Often you can hear someone to argue in this way: “We cannot say that this statement or this behavior of the Pope are wrong because then we should say that he is not infallible”. And they conjure up all sorts of mysterious interventions, summoning the name of the Holy Ghost, in vain. But an error is an error, whoever commits it. And, in fact, if this error is committed by the Pope, it means that even he himself, except under certain exceptional conditions, is not infallible.


5. I do not have the ability, the competence, or the role to say whether Bergoglio is Pope or not. I am not able to judge if the reconstruction of the procedures of the last conclave should make his election null. I take note that nobody taking part in the conclave ever affirmed this thesis [of Socci], at least openly. When they do, I will be happy to take their opinion into account. At the same time, the opinion of a layman like me, and I am a layman in theology and canon law regarding this topic, I value as close to zero.


6. Having said this, the fact that I don’t think I can say that Bergoglio is not the Pope is not a matter of being afraid to take the last step in my reasoning. I am not able to say if Bergoglio is not the Pope: But I am able to say, and I do say, that he is not Catholic, in almost all his declarations and acts. This is the last step in my reasoning and I think it is harder and more painful than the step of the ones who say that Bergoglio is not the Pope. I believe that you can acknowledge that; if I were to realize that a further step is needed, I would take it.


7. I do not know why our Lord permits this agony, I do not know why He allows the visible guide of the Church to act in a conscious way to destroy it. I do not pretend to know the reason for all this, but I am humble enough to accept the facts, because everything that God allows, even evil, is always in view of a good, perhaps one that we cannot even imagine. For sure, a desolation like this is not a reward. We have to pay for our personal sins. But I think that we are paying also for the sins of those who came before us, particularly the sins of the pastors who, at the time, had the obligation to defend the flock of sheep from the wolves, opposing the drift, but didn’t do so. With ten — I do not say a hundred — only ten Mgr. [Marcel] Lefebvres, instead of only one, probably today we would not be in a such a pitiful condition.


8. When I say that I am humble enough to accept the facts, I do not mean that one should not oppose evil, injustice and the betrayal of the faith. I only say that we must fight for what is good, for truth, and for the salvation of our souls, and for the glory of God, without cooking up excuses that cannot withstand the test of facts. Otherwise we would be defeated from the very beginning.


Alessandro Gnocchi

Br. Francis of New York State Receives the Cord of St. Francis of Assisi

Earlier today, young Br. Francis was invested by Fr. David Hewko with the cord of St. Francis of Assisi to become the first invested member in New York State of the Archconfraternity of the Cord of St. Francis under the direction of the SSPX-Marian Corps.  Deo gratias!  Br. Francis took this name in honour of the Seraphic Father himself.  Below is a video of the ceremony.