Suggested Franciscan Reading

St Bonaventure’s Life of St Francis
The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi by Father Candide Chalippe, published 1906
Works of the Seraphic Father St Francis of Assisi – R Washbourne, published 1882
St Francis of Assisi – G K Chesterton, published 1923
Everybody’s St Francis by Maurice Egan, published 1912
Chronicle of the Life of St Anthony of Padua by Coleridge, published 1883
St Anthony: The Wonder-Worker of Padua by Charles Warren Stoddard – currently in print so not available in pdf format
St Anthony: The Wonder-Worker of Padua by unknown author, 8th edition published 1951
St Louis: The Most Christian King by Frederick Perry, published 1901
The Life of St Louis, King of France by Marius Cyrille Alphonse Sepet, published 1902
Life of St Elizabeth of Hungary by the Count of Montalembert, published 1904
Little Flowers of St Francis, 8th edition published 1907
St Clare and Her Order by a nun in her Order, published 1912
The Golden Saying of the Blessed Brother Giles by P Robinson, published 1907
Auspicato by Pope Leo XIII, published in 1882


Technical Difficulties End for Resistance Rosary Crusade Website

We are very happy to say that the technical difficulties at have been resolved!


The totals for the 2nd month of our Worldwide Resistance Rosary Crusade have been posted behind their respective flags – all 15 of them! – flying high over the world map on our website, representing each one of us as we unite our prayer intentions from “our own little corner of the world”, praying our rosaries for: 1) the consecration of Russia to be done as requested by Our Lady of Fatima, 2) the conversion of sinners and in reparation for our own sins, and 3) God’s mercy upon us all and Our Lady’s protection over us…


We wish to thank ecclesiamilitans (Br. Joseph, Sr. Constance, Br. Anthony) for helping us through our technological “nightmare”, and for posting the 2nd Month Totals and Newsletter (technical difficulties always seem to come at the most crucial time), and it is with great joy and gratitude that we welcome our new Webmaster, Mr. Brian Torsell! who will carry us through the rest of the Rosary Crusade and keep those flags flying high up on our website, for all the world to see!


Thank you to all!  Pax et Bonum!


Br. Felix and Sr. Rose


Dominicans of Avrille Statement regarding Attendance at the New Mass – So Far, So Good

On July 26, 2015 the Dominicans of Avrille released a statement regarding attendance at the New Mass.  The statement is consistent with Archbishop Lefebvre’s SSPX.  Excellent!


The next queston to be answered is in regards to attendance at a Traditional Mass offered by an Ecclesia Dei priest or a priest who makes use of Summorum Pontificum.  Stay tuned.