Machabees posts:
“2 new books on the family by cardinals” is the headline of
Endorsing books written by modernist Cardinals is a forbidden Index all by it self. It is these very cardinals who promote the damaging Vatican II new-religion that ultimately DESTROYS the very family they say they want to “save”. The aim, like Vatican II, is to rewrite history to remain selfish without being too selfish.
Like telling a fish to drink some water but not too much water.
Then Admin comments:
Typical methodology of the modernist is it not? Say something truly traditional to assuage the consciences of the sheep then use it to promote the very opposite. It is like the arguments put forward so often these days that appeal to the subjective desire enabling one to ‘be charitable’ The ‘quietist’ mentality of lazy sheep gives permission to accept error…all in the name of ‘charity’ of course. Tepid souls use their version of ‘contemplation’ as a means to avoid action. They’ve convinced themselves that:
” man’s highest perfection consists in a sort of psychical self-annihilation and a consequent absorption of the soul into the Divine Essence even during the present life. In the state of “quietude” the mind is wholly inactive; it no longer thinks or wills on its own account, but remains passive while God acts within it. “Quietism is thus generally speaking a sort of false or exaggerated mysticism, which under the guise of the loftiest spirituality contains erroneous notions which, if consistently followed, would prove fatal to morality. It is fostered by Pantheism and similar theories, and it involves peculiar notions concerning the Divine cooperation in human acts.” Source
See :
True Mysticism:
“Mysticism, according to its etymology, implies a relation to mystery. In philosophy, Mysticism is either a religious tendency and desire of the human soul towards an intimate union with the Divinity, or a system growing out of such a tendency and desire. As a philosophical system, Mysticism considers as the end of philosophy the direct union of the human soul with the Divinity through contemplation and love, and attempts to determine the processes and the means of realizing this end. This contemplation, according to Mysticism, is not based on a merely analogical knowledge of the Infinite, but as a direct and immediate intuition of the Infinite. According to its tendency, it may be either speculative or practical, as it limits itself to mere knowledge or traces duties for action and life; contemplative or affective, according as it emphasizes the part of intelligence or the part of the will; orthodox or heterodox, according as it agrees with or opposes the Catholic teaching. We shall give a brief historical sketch of Mysticism and its influence on philosophy, and present a criticism of it.” Source