Fr Hesse calls the NO a counterfeit church. He says: “The counterfeit church assumes the name Catholic Church but does not have the right to be called Catholic Church because it is a new church with a new Doctrine and a new Liturgy”.
“Vatican II was not an Ecumenical Council as it had not intention of defining Dogma.”
“Vatican II as a whole is unacceptable to a Catholic.”
Father lists some heresies contained in the Vatican II documents. For example Dei Verbum #8 gives a new definition of Tradition: “There is a growth in Tradition. That means Tradition is developed under the faithful’s study and their religious experiences.”
In the Q&A, at 51:42, Father deals with the question of receiving Communion in the NOM: “You are not allowed to receive Communion at the NOM.” He warns: “Adopt the safer course.”
As to Perpetual Adoration in the NO, Father says: “Perpetual Adoration of what? Do you know if it’s Our Lord or are you adoring a Ritz cracker? How do you know?”
To the question of whether to attend a NOM, Father gives this practical advice (1:11:13 and on): “The validity of the NOM is of no concern to us.” “Why do you break your head over something that is illicit anyway?”
At 1:12:36, Father quotes the Council of Trent in the 7th Session, Canon 13: “Whoever says that any of the Pastors (that includes the Pope) may add unto the Liturgy, subtract from the Liturgy, or write up a new Liturgy, anathema sit.”
In the last eight minutes, Father gives advice concerning apparitions quoting St John of the Cross.
Fr. Gregory Hesse Remastered Audio Conferences, Talks, and Interviews
by Catholic Treasures
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