
“If the evidence, apparently serious, for Eucharistic miracles taking place within the Novus Ordo Mass (NOM) is to be believed – and such miracles may even be happening frequently, one of the latest seeming to come from Legnica, also in Poland (see here) on Christmas Day of 2013 – then indeed some of us may need to do some rethinking. ” Bishop Williamson in EC Number CDXCII (492):
Indeed, let us rethink everything!
Why only accept the Conciliar Church miracles? Why not rethink the Conciliar Church Canonization Process and pray to St John Paul II to help us unpack his teaching?

Sr C

Serious Theologians Do Not Lean On Miracles To Prove A Point!

In EC Number CDXCII (492), Bishop Williamson, whether intentionally or not, by starting his article with Eucharistic miracles in the NOM, leads the reader to adopt a messy theology wherein part of the NOM is valuable to some people sometimes, but is not beneficial to people who are able to discern good from evil.


Therefore one should reason that since all Catholics are able to discern good from evil, all Catholics should avoid the NOM.
But the bishop does not state this conclusion. Instead, this EC uses Vatican II doublespeak to promote the NOM and to deny it at the same time. This is modernism.
A Traditional bishop should teach in a way that is clear, unambiguous and to the point. Compare this EC to Archbishop Lefebvre:

“The current problem of the Mass is an extremely serious problem for the Holy Church. I believe that if the dioceses and seminaries and works that are currently done are struck with sterility, it is because the recent deviations drew upon us the divine curse. All the efforts that are made to hang on to what is being lost, to reorganize, reconstruct, rebuild, all that is struck with sterility, because we no longer have the true source of holiness which is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Profaned as it is, it no longer gives grace, it no longer makes grace pass.” (Archbishop Lefebvre, August 1972, priestly retreat; can be found in A Bishop Speaks)


as translated at


The Archbishop made his point without leaning on miracles.

St John of the Cross taught: “Stay away from visions, apparitions and miracles as much as you can… Be careful of visions, even when they are authentic.” (Fr Hesse, New Conciliar Religion).


Serious theologians do not lean on miracles to prove a point!



Why Is This In a Christmas Sermon?

In that day shall Israel be third to the Egyptian and the Assyrian, and blessed be my people of Egypt, and the work of my hands to the Assyrian.

To explain the above verse, read the first sermon of the Mass of the Aurora, by St John Chrysostom called “Christmas Morning”.



Intrinsically Evil

In the Q&A Session at Our Lady of the Sun 1997, at the 36:50 mark, Fr Hesse says:
“The New Mass is against the Teaching of the Church, the New Mass is leading towards heresy, the New Mass is against the declared Will of Christ expressed by many Popes and the Council of Trent. Anything that is against the Will of Christ, anything that in itself leads towards heresy is intrinsically evil.”

Sr C

Sacred Mass According to Church Law

Fr Hesse says that ABL used the 1962 Missal because of the Law of Self Defence.
“According to Catholic Moral Theology, you are not allowed to go beyond the necessary means to get rid of the actual situation against which you have to defend yourself.”
“Do not go beyond what is necessary to remedy the situation.“
Therefore, laymen and priests are all bound to be careful of how far they go in getting out of difficult situations.
“I reject the reasons for celebrating the Old Mass by priests who at the same time objectively – and may it be only for diplomatic reasons – agree with Vatican II. There is no way that you can agree with heresy even for diplomatic reasons, for reasons of emergency.”
Therefore we accept the red-light position, and do not go to Indult or nSSPX Masses.
We recommend that you listen to the entire talk, which can be found

here .

Attached a transcription (by Sr C) of the salient points.
Sacred Mass according to Church Law


Our Lord Contradicts St John?

In this linked sermon for the Third Sunday of Advent, there is an apparent contradiction between today’s Gospel and Matthew xvii 12; xi 14. In the fourth sermon available today, St Gregory explains.


In another sermon (the third), St Maximus explains why we all should be striving to be thieves!


No practical agreement until there is a doctrinal agreement?

The Dominicans of Avrille answer the nsspx Fr Simoulin article:
“No practical agreement until there is a doctrinal agreement?”
I particularly like the comment: “The word ‘sadness‘ (italics added) is repeated five times: appeal to sentiment. But here, it is reason and faith which should guide us.”
Which is of course, what the Domincans are famous for, the use of logic over sentiment.