In His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson’s 548th Edition of Eleison Comments, he sounds more like the Bishop Williamson of old where he states clearly (emphases mine):
“…..ever since the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965) these have not been sane times, because the Roman churchmen themselves at that Council abandoned God’s true Catholic religion and adopted a false man-made religion which we can call Conciliarism. So ever since the 1960’s, Catholics have been confused from top to bottom of the Church, by trying to go in two directions at once. For instance, your Indult priest says the Mass of the true religion, while meaning to obey the Romans set upon the false religion. No wonder it confuses you to listen to him. And you will remain confused until you fully grasp the difference between God’s true religion and men’s Conciliarism….”
His Excellency is quite correct that a new religion was established at the Second Vatican Council by the Catholic Church hierarchy.
The new religion produced a (rotten) fruit called the Novus Ordo Missae, as proclaimed by Pope Paul VI in his Apostolic Constitution “Missale Romanum”:
“The recent Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, in promulgating the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, established the basis for the general revision of the Roman Missal….”
Bishop Williamson has acknowledged this in the past. For example, in his 387th Edition of Eleison Comments, His Excellency writes about the distinctions necessary when speaking about the validity of the New Mass and New Rite of ordination and also states (emphasis mine):
“This playing between white and black, this ambiguity, is what is properly diabolical in the Conciliar reform of the sacramental Rites.”
Now if one is a Catholic, is not a Sedevacantist, admits that the Second Vatican Council established a new religion, and admits that the New Mass is a product of that new religion, does it not follow that he ought to declare that active attendance at the New Mass is morally strictly forbidden? Of course! Unfortunately, however, His Excellency has advised that one may morally actively attend the Novus Ordo Mass under certain circumstances (see here). Therefore, His Excellency has not been consistent with what he wrote in his two Eleison Comments quoted above. Rather, His Excellency would seem to answer in the negative to the question posed above. If that were the case, then His Excellency should advise the Catholic faithful that they may morally actively attend Mass celebrated in the Anglican Rite by a Catholic priest under certain circumstances. As strange as that sounds, the reasoning would follow.
Let us keep praying and hoping that His Excellency will return to the position of his spiritual father, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, stating that:
“I shall never advise anyone in a positive manner to take an active part in such a Mass (i.e., Novus Ordo).”