In a post dated April 2, 2018, Mr. Sean Johnson writes in his blog Sodalitium Pianum that in 2007 he and his wife to be had to sign this form of the SSPX U.S.A. District prior to the priest consenting to marry them. Mr. Johnson points out the statement of most interest on page 1 of the form relevant to the recent marriage that took place in a Novus Ordo parish (emphasis mine):
“Moreover, I insist on my right to receive all the sacraments in an entirely traditional way, and consequently refuse to have my wedding celebrated by a priest who celebrates the new Mass, or in a church in which the new Mass is celebrated.”
What a difference between the SSPX of Archbishop Lefebvre and the neo-SSPX of Bishop Fellay!
I would love to see the form currently required by the SSPX in Canada or the U.S.A. to be signed by a couple intending to marry. If anybody has either, please send it to me at
As a side note, the same form noted by Mr. Johnson also contains the following (emphasis mine):
“Moreover, I have grave objection, in conscience, in asking for the Indult granted by His Holiness Pope John Paul II (October 3, 1984), even should it be allowed in my parish, since its application is based upon a compromise, namely the acceptation that the New Mass is a licit Catholic rite and that the traditional Mass does reflect our refusal of the errors of Vatican II.”
Here is another piece of evidence that the SSPX of Archbishop Lefebvre rejected the New Mass. Yet we have His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson now of the public position that one may actively attend the New Mass under certain circumstances, and the likes of Mr. Johnson defending him. Hmm. But does that not transform the New Mass into a licit Catholic rite, at least under certain circumstances? Confusing. That’s the false resistance for you!