Today is the eighth anniversary of that infamous sermon given by His Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, Minnesota. The following is the quote that really caught my ear back then:
“We told them very clearly, if you accept us as is, without change, without obliging us to accept these things, then we are ready.”
By these words, Bishop Fellay publicly opposed the old SSPX adage of “no canonical agreement prior to a doctrinal resolution”. In other words, he publicly adopted a position in opposition to that of the SSPX founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who from the 1988 Consecrations onward clearly and firmly held the position that Rome must accept the pre-conciliar Magisterial teachings prior to the resumption of discussions regarding a canonical regularization.
The neo-SSPX is now (and has been for years) pretty much under the umbrella of the Conciliar Church. The only thing that is missing is a signature. What a sad end to the work of the Archbishop.