1 thought on “Deo Gratias for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre!”
Archbishop Lefebvre prepared the way in order for Catholics to survive in these evil times in which we live. He is our leader who paved the way for us as did Saint John the Baptist in his times.
He was ever fighting the battle as the Church Militant has been commissioned to do for these many years since our LORD JESUS walked this earth and redeemed us. Archbishop Lefebvre was the leader of this present day battle, and he fought it as valiantly as one could possibly do in the army of our twelve star GENERAL, THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY.
He is that prelate that God raised up for our times.
We also declare as you stated-
Archbishop Lefebvre prepared the way in order for Catholics to survive in these evil times in which we live. He is our leader who paved the way for us as did Saint John the Baptist in his times.
He was ever fighting the battle as the Church Militant has been commissioned to do for these many years since our LORD JESUS walked this earth and redeemed us. Archbishop Lefebvre was the leader of this present day battle, and he fought it as valiantly as one could possibly do in the army of our twelve star GENERAL, THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY.
He is that prelate that God raised up for our times.
We also declare as you stated-
Deo Gratias for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre!