1 thought on “The False New Religion of Jorge Bergoglio’s “Synodal Church” – Fr. Paul Kramer”

  1. Thank God for giving us Fr. Kramer at this crisis time. Thank you, Fr. Kramer for being a watchman of God, watching and teaching the true Catholic Faith to Catholics. However, Taylor Marshall is an Anglican who converted to Catholicism recently and has not fully understood the Catholic Faith teachings that were handled down for 2000 years. He was wishy-washy one minute on the right track and the next minute he fell right back to where he came from. I pray for him to open his mind and heart and be willing to learn the truth from the true disciples of Christ. So far, I have not seen much change but some signs of his concern. Protestantism still thickened and haunted him through his comments. Until he must learn from the authentic church, he will always be questioning and wondering.


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