A Confused Catholic from Polonia Minor

My name is Michael Bogucki. I was baptised into the Church in the Dioecesis Sandomiriensis, which area largely covered the historic Duchy of Sandomir (Ducatus Sandomiriensis) in Polonia Minor – a historical country which lies north of Carpathian Mountains and south/east of Pilica river while being placed on the both sides of Vistula River flowing to the Baltic sea. The area of the dioecese was divided into two parts by the bull Totus Tuus Poloniae Populus issued by H.H. John Paul II: the first one with the capital in Sandomir and the second one with the capital in Radom (Dioecesis Radomiensis) – the city I was born and live in currently.

The patron saint of the dioecese is Saint Casimir, heir to the throne of the Regnum Poloniae, known for His chastity and fervent devotion to the Blessed Mother (“omni die dic Mariae”) which resulted i.a. in the fruitful administration of the state exercised in the name of the king, e.g.: simultaneous suppression of the public cult of the Eastern Schism (which shall be named pseudo-Orthodox sect, and a heretical one as it fully embraced heresy at least since the Ecumenical Council of Florence, while Orthodoxy equals to the Catholic Faith) and material help for the needy members of this sect: a model for activity in the public sphere and an implementation of the Saint Augustine’s rule of Christian life: “cum dilectione hominum et odio vitiorum”. The main shrine of this land is the Holy Cross Monastery in the Holy Cross Mountains known for its possesion of ancient relics of the Holy Cross most probably sprinkled with the Pretiosissimus Sanguis; a place notorious for its religious (sensu largo of course) cult since the pagan times and traditionally connected with the visitation of Saint Emeric, a son of Saint Stephen the King and heir to the throne of the Regnum Hungariae.

Od vremena još od Krista*
Nova lica, scena ista
Vražje sile se trude
Da nas ne bude

Tracing the origins of the True Religion in this country we have to go back to the ninth century and take a look at Our Blessed Fathers, equal-to-the-Apostles, Saints Cyril and Methodius (vide: the Grande Munus encyclical by H.H. Leo XIII). These luminaries of the Faith did not only win the doctrinal disputation with the false religions’ doctors (judaistic and mohameddan in particular) in the Crimean peninsula before the ruler of the Khazar Empire; gathered the relics of Saint Clement the Pope; implemented/strenghtened the Faith in the Slavic countries and Hungary which entailed a collection of saintly rulers (vide: Saint Ludmila and Her grandson Saint Venceslaus the Duke, Saint Stephen the Great and His son Saint Emeric, Saint Olga and Her grandson Saint Vladimir the Great); developed/propagated the Slavonic language liturgy (exact translations of Roman/Greek rites) by the use of the newly invented alphabet; fought the “trilingual heresy”; but also achieved on this battlefield a remarkable victory over the internal enemy of the Church by defeating an emanation (a pantheistic/talmudic cancer specifically in the Germanophonic area of the Church having developed for centuries and then bursted in the XV-Hus, XVI-Luther et al., XVII-Jansen, XVIII-Weishaupt, XIX-Dollinger, XX-Kung et el., centuries) of the mystery of iniquity, which has been at work since Judas the Apostle till George the Humble and will operate until the consummation of time endavouring to use the Church’s structure as an instrument for seizing the secular power over the entire world, thus preparing the coming of the Antichrist.

Antikristi i masoni
Komunisti ovi, oni
Šire sotonske fraze
Da nas poraze...”

Having known that above, we can attentively observe, looking from the heights of the Faith, what processes are being carried out currently in my particular church and in the Church as a whole from the one side, and from the second side: in my country and in my state, which happens to be, as for now, The Third Polish Republic, but not for long I guess. In fact this misleading name covers a masonic on-the-spot political construct which leads millions of my people (to wit: inhabitants of Polonia Minor; sensu stricto: only Catholic, sensu largo: historical inhabitants which at least implicitly subsribe to the Latin Civilization – a secular daughter of the Church based on the Natural Law – as defined by Professor Felix Koneczny) and others to hell by introducing neo-marxist agenda everywhere in public life under the coat of arms representing misused eagle (the historical Polish heraldic emblem) with wings pinned by two five-pointed stars (a symbol widely used in state herldry at least since XVIIIth century with remarkable application in four notorious masonic projects: the USA, the Soviet Union, the PRC-China, the EU). I do not have to elaborate on the subject of the Church; with an unarmed eye a barely sober Catholic can recognize blatant blasphemies forming a wide torrent of Cloaca Maxima in Rome and flowing through malodorous administrative canals to each local parish intoxicating consequently every single area of our lives. Therefore, having been thirsty for a drink of refreshing doctrinal (both: religious and secular) water of truth, we have to look not only for ever-young historical sources of dogmatic teachings, but also for contemporary springs of practical implementations of them allowing us to fend off this diabolical onslaught of neo-paganism executed by step children of Mr. Mordechai Marx a.k.a. Charles Marx, and at the same time the cronies of His Majesty Lucifer the Prince Himself.

A mi gluhi, nijemi, slijepi
Svatko u svom mraku strepi
Narod biran od Boga
Guši nesloga

I spent a lot of time gathering information on what is going on. I came across outstanding people who shared a lot of light by their writtings and their deeds: Professor Felix Koneczny (an eminent scholar of history of civilzations, law and social disciplines), Father Michael Poradowski (an eminent scholar of theology, social disciplines and researcher of marxism in particular), Father Maximilian Mary Kolbe OFM, H.Em. Josheph Cardinal Mindszenty, H.E. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, H.E. Bishop Anthony de Castro Mayer, H.E. Bishop Michael Osadich, Father Nicholas Gruner, H.E. Bishop Rene Henry Garcia, H.E. Archbishop Charles Mary Vigano, as well as many of their pupils, inheritors and collaborators. I met many people influenced by them and propagating knowledge and skills necessary for handling the current state of affairs. Unfortunately, from secular point of view, in the Church no moral unity can be seen even in parts, since many singular problems tend to divide seemingly consistent groups as Archbishop Lefebvre’s FSSPX. We can personally notice the in-fight among the spiritual sons of His Excelency. Well, c’est la vie

Generacije junaka
I pobjednička vojska jaka
Još se brine i gine
Zbog Domovine

It is a hindrance – no doubt about it, but overcoming them makes us stronger, allows us to better know the Faith and become familiar with distant (geographically or intelectually) communties which would help us to achieve this target. That is why I reached so-called indult, then FSSPX, then so-called “Resistance”, then Father Paul Leonard Kramer’s doctrine on the papacy, and then have I come to the Ecclesia Militans site sharing (at the first, but not superficial I expect, glance) the same position as me. Above all we shall continue efforts of our forefathers in fighting errors of our age, thus it could be advisable for me to contribute to some extent to this site (“For, with the heart, we believe unto justice; but, with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation” as St. Paul teaches). Of course, it is only an insignificant episode of a war against masonic spirit, which is on within the Church (specifically against the formal authorities) since 1958 A.D. at least and reached its local culmination on the critical, in my opinion, theatre of operation i.e. Archbishop Lefebvre’s movement in the year 2012 A.D. We have no morally acceptable option, but to pursue this struggle on and on…

S nebeskih tih visina
Daj nam Bože opet Sina
Da nas vodi iz bijede
Sve do pobjede...”

…until we win: dead or alive.

T. Michael. A. Bogucki

* Quotations in original taken from a Croatian poem by Mr. Mark Perkovic (“E moj narode”).

Budapest, the Elisabeth bridge, at the foot of the Saint Gerard’s hill. A view on the western (Buda) bank of the Danube with the tower of the Saint Catherine of Alexandria Church (on the left), the Royal Castle of Buda (in the centre) with the distant tower of the Assumption Church (on the right) and famous architectural monuments: the Fisherman’s Bastion and the Chain Bridge leading to the Saint Stephen’s Basilica with His incorruptible right hand relic.

5 thoughts on “A Confused Catholic from Polonia Minor”

  1. Bogucki, you are lucky and blessed to be born into this crisis time, the Final Battle between Our Lady and Satan. All faithful must go through tests like gold goes into the fire. You have the faith to test, observe, examine, and condemn everything and everyone in order to make decisions in life. You don’t have a “guaranty” such person or persons to be perfect so that you can be relaxed and let that person lead you. No. You are on 24/7 of your entire life to fight for the TRUTH and KEEP THE FAITH until the last breath. The devils have tested all people including you too. Don’t you fail and don’t let the others fail you. “Watch” everything and “Pray” on everything. If it’s the truth and comes from the Spirit of God, then keep it and follow it. If not, then discard and expose it so others don’t be trapped by it.

    The churchmen today have more temptations and more pressure than you and me. Pray for them. Many of them fell the tests because nobody prays for them.

    The Catholic Prophecies had told the church that for centuries-long so that everyone can be safeguarded and protected. The bitters and losers are the ones who did not listen and heeded the warnings.

    The war will break out in Ukraine and Balkan according to Catholic Prophecy. You need to be very close to the Mother of God through the Holy Rosary because very soon they will lock down and close the True Mass, and persecute the True Priests. Be prepared. Wear Brown Scapular and if you can get the Purple Scapular too. You need it. The wind of death and 3 days of darkness will overshadow all of Europe, America, and the whole world. God will wipe them out good and bad, only the people who belong to the Blessed Virgin Mary, She will cover them under Her Mantle. That’s the reason why Catholics say Rosary daily and the Protestants and others are laughing and making fun of them… Satan has deceived so many, so many.

    • Dear Sir or Madam,

      Thank You for this comment and a handful of some general thoughts, that may be interesting for the readers of the site. As for my person and how they correspond to my life, I would rather abstain from any commentary, untill You reveal Your real name. I encourage all people to do it publicly, since it develops the sense of responsibility for our words and caters for better understanding one another (it shows a personal and cultural context, which is blurred in anonymous relations). Moreover, all the bad guys know exactly our personal data including sources of incomes and so on; the less we know one another, the easier they can manipulate us following the rule: “divide et impera”.

      Sincerely yours,

      T.Michael A. Bogucki

      • You obviously know nothing about the persecution inside the church. Good luck with your confusing journey. I withdraw my comment to you. Be on your own with your arrogant attitude. I will never post any comment or reveal any information to you or to this website.

        • Dear Sir or Madam,

          Thank You for attention. I find Your last post to be emotional, thus not focusing on the substantive critique of my comment, which is always welcomed. Ad personam argumentation does not help neither me, nor the other readers of the comment to pursue objective truth. I am sure that my further involment in this discussion on personal level would not amend the situation.

          Incidentally, I would like to underline that it is my declared, general position not to engage in personal debates with anonymous individuals, especially in a public area. As long as abstractive themes are discussed, it does not change a thing, albeit it is always advantageous to know the interlocutor by name. Apart from that there are also possible some cultural differences among us; that is why I emphasise the importance of showing one’s background to make the communication easier.

          The last thing I would like to accentuate is that it is only my personal position; as far as I know it is not a part of the policy of the site. Thus, please do not assume that it directly reflects the standpoint of the publisher or the other persons using this site.

          I wish You all the best for this great Feast of Saints Peter and Paul!

          Sincerely yours,

          T. Michael A. Bogucki


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