I wish you all a blessed Feast of the Saints of the Seraphic Order!
Franciscan tertiaries may obtain a plenary indulgence by renewing their novitiate/profession and fulfilling the usual conditions required for a plenary indulgence.
Fighting to Maintain the Catholic Faith Whole and Inviolate and the Line of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in This Period of Sede Vacante
This heresy is common in Traditionalist circles, even within the True Resistance, and that is that a reigning pope can be deposed for heresy by the College of Cardinals or an ecumenical council. If one begins with the presumption that Jorge Bergoglio is the currently reigning pope of the Catholic Church (of course he actually is not), then holding that he can be deposed by the College of Cardinals or an ecumenical council is a form of conciliarism, which has been condemned by the Church. Furthermore, this position heretically opposes the dogma enunciated at Vatican I that the pope has full and supreme jurisdiction over the entire Church in all ecclesiastical matters. Therefore, the pope cannot be judged by anyone, even in the matter of heresy. Unfortunately, Fr. Issac Relyea has fallen for this heresy as demonstrated by a recent sermon of his. The relevant portion starts at 6 minutes and 30 seconds in the link below:
For a thorough explanation of this subject, please read Volume I of Fr. Paul Kramer’s To Deceive the Elect.
In 2012 at the General Chapter of SSPX, the leadership betrayed the memory and mission of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre by agreeing that it was ready to seek a canonical regularization from Rome without first Rome’s conversion, in effect shoving doctrine to the side. A few years later, the neo-SSPX (i.e., the SSPX after the General Chapter) supposedly received ordinary jurisdiction within the Catholic Church for their confessions and marriages. But did they really? No! Why? Because Jorge Bergoglio is an antipope. Therefore, he cannot grant anything within the Catholic Church. However, he can grant jurisdiction within the Conciliar Church because he is its head. Congratulations neo-SSPX! You now have an official place within the Conciliar sect, the same sect you hold no longer exists. I see this blindness as a punishment for your sins.
“In the case of the false resistance of Bishops Williamson, Faure, Aquinas, and Zendejas, and all of those priests and religious associated with them, one wonders what they are resisting and why they left the SSPX?”
Sr. Mary Magdalene of the Sorrowful Mother OSB
In a sermon given by Fr. Rafael, O.S.B., on Sunday November 20, 2022 (Last Sunday after Pentecost), he states that Benedict XVI, based on a thesis that he wrote in the 1980s, attempted to institute a dual papacy and that what is happening now. Although Fr. Rafael does not explicitly state so, the necessary conclusion is that Benedict XVI is the current true pope. How? The argument is as follows:
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger was validly elected pope in 2005. In 2013, he attempted to institute a dual papacy. However, that is impossible because Our Lord divinely constituted the papacy such that only one man can occupy the Chair of St. Peter at any one time. Therefore, Pope Benedict XVI’s 2013 act was invalid. The consequence of the invalidity of his act is that he remains pope. The cardinals, then, had no authority to elect another pope.
Without agreeing or disagreeing on whether Fr. Rafael’s statements are true, the above conclusion follows nonetheless. I am just glad that finally we have a True Resistance priest who, at least implicitly, admits Benedict XVI is the true current pope.
The sermon may be played below. Start at 17 minutes and zero seconds for the relevant part. I have also linked to the original post on Fr. Rafael’s website.
I wish you all, especially my tertiary brothers and sisters, a most blessed Feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Patroness of the Third Order Secular of St. Francis!
Franciscan tertiaries may obtain a plenary indulgence this day by renewing their profession/novitiate and fulfilling the usual conditions required for a plenary indulgence.