6 thoughts on “Fr. James Altman Seriously Questions whether Jorge Bergoglio Is Pope”

  1. IF the cardinals so far haven’t been able to figure this whole thing out…so far none have come forward to declare Benedict didn’t resign properly nor that Francis was not validly elected is a poser only the cardinals are able to muddle through. Something the church has never dealt with before leaves the church in a new position. First part of the solution- release the Third Secret and let the chips fall where they may. That would, like Fr. Kramer said more than 10 years ago, have people flock in droves to church , beating their breasts asking for forgiveness… then heaven will listen, eventually. The miracle saw and predicted by Padre Pio might happen.

  2. PRAISE GOD that people are awakening to the TRUTH that bergoglio is NOT THE POPE, NOT THE POPE, NOT THE POPE.

    We are one day closer to the fulfillment of The HOPE and PROMISE that GOD’S PLAN, already established, is that the TRUE POPE chosen by DIVINE PROVIDENCE is nearing who will CONSECRATE RUSSSIA to THE IMMACULATE HEART of MARY in COMPLETE OBEDIENCE, and thereby, will usher in the TRIUMPH of the IMMACULATE HEART of MARY.
    OH THE JOY !


      • Dear Tony,

        Peace in Christ! I just read your question this Good Friday evening that you asked on January 16th: “…do you have an idea of how the next pope will be elected?” Well, I pray that it won’t be the way Bergoglio was illegally elected with the help of the Saint Fallen mafia and four prelates that I am aware of who covertly campaigned for Bergoglio prior to and during the 2013 Papal Conclave. Such nefarious behavior transgressed the Canon Laws that govern papal elections. That is the only reason Bergoglio sits in the Chair of Peter. Even if one did not know those facts, pure “Common Sense,” which is sadly a rara avis these days, should tell you that the plethora of Bergoglio’s clearly heretical statements and actions since the inception of his so-called papacy are not consistent with someone who is suppose to be the Vicar of Christ on earth. I truly hate to say it; but, most people are simply too stupid to connect the dots and figure out that reality.

        Sincerely yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Larry Welch



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