Antipope Bergoglio sick with a fever. Pray that he repent and revert to Catholicism.

Let us never cease praying for the conversion of poor sinners.

Antipope Bergoglio sick with a fever. Pray that he repent and revert to Catholicism.

1 thought on “Antipope Bergoglio sick with a fever. Pray that he repent and revert to Catholicism.”

  1. We pray that GOD’S WILL be done.

    The day comes when GOD has decided that HE has called out in many ways for the sinners to repent, and then as GOD has revealed many times in the Bible, when HIS calls have been spurned in malice to HIS last call, GOD will no longer call out. This sobering TRUTH applies to individuals, Church groups, cities, countries, and so forth. The story of the disobedience of King Saul along with GOD’S given time of death upon each sinner who refuses GOD’S CALLS are only two examples according to GOD’S PERFECT WAY.

    We pray daily for bergoglio and his accomplices in the counterfeit church of satan as well as the other Catholics who are blinded, those Catholic leaders who are leading people astray, and those also who are faithful Catholics.

    The TRUTH of GOD’S time allowed for repentance is according to GOD’S WISDOM, and so we pray that GOD’S WILL be done.


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