(Fr. E. Sylvester Berry, S.T.D., The Church of Christ: An Apologetic and Dogmatic Treatise, p. 99)
Did you read that, my friends? Heretics cease to be members of the Church BEFORE the Church’s condemnation. Why? Because they are condemned beforehand by their own judgment. This flies in the face of those who hold (heretically by the way) that one is separated from the Church for heresy only when the Church (or a future pope) makes that judgement and not beforehand.
The following are historical words by Father Hewko that are excerpts of his full letter.
Here is the link to the entire letter.
”September 21, 2013
Feast of St. Matthew
Your Excellency, Bishop Fellay and Society of St. Pius X Superiors,
In the face of a Pope in the Chair of St. Peter, wielding the sledge-hammer like a second Goliath, dismantling and smashing what is left of the Traditional Teachings of Christ and His Mass, your silence has become alarming and has become a cooperation in extinguishing the Catholic Religion and His True Adoration from the face of the earth.
Now, Pope Francis has surpassed his predecessors in scandals against the Faith by the ecumenical call for prayers for peace from all religions, celebrating the ecumenical rite in St. Peter’s; by the unheard of scandals of World Youth Day in Brazil; with the shameful dancing of bishops who, like salt that has lost its savor, have become the laughing stock of the world, worthy to be stepped on for betraying the True God. His sweeping statements on atheists, the divorced, the Sodom and Gomorrhites, clerical celibacy, etc., etc., have misled millions of souls into error and, no doubt, sins. Sins that seem “not so bad,” since according to him, even “atheists can go to Heaven,” and “who am I to judge the gays?”
Since the new policies of the Society fit the new principles of compromise, now it has lent its hands to abolishing what is left of the True Faith and Adoration of God from the face of the earth, by its shameful silence!
It is useless to pretend that the seeking a “canonical normalization,” an “agreement,” “recognition,” a “union” with Modernist Rome can be pleasing to God, before Rome’s conversion to Tradition. The six Conditions themselves, betray the clear teaching of our Founder who insisted that we never have to ask permission to preach Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ, Crucified! That we openly preach against Vatican II errors and prelates who attack the Faith, because Christ Himself gave that command to the first Pope and Bishops. Archbishop Lefebvre would shudder with horror at the thought of the Indifferentism subtly expressed in the six Conditions and would absolutely condemn the new policy of silence and expulsion of his priests who speak out, against a false union with the Conciliar Church that is aggressively wrecking the Faith and Mass of All Time.”
How does the this relate to my post?
In the words of understanding of Father Hewko as early as 2013, it is obvious that he ‘’Traditional’’ or ‘’true resistance’’ or other preferred labels knows that the vatican 2 conciliar church, Antipope bergolio, and so forth are teaching heresies, errors, and ”betray the clear teaching of our Founder [JESUS CHRIST]”. But given that, and by extension other Catholics who consider themselves to be ”Traditional” or ”true resistance” or other Catholics also know the TRUTH about the heresies, etc., of ANTIPOPE bergoglio. Yet, given this, they do not understand by extension that the Catholic Teaching is as “Fr. E. Sylvester Berry Repeats the Teaching of the Church that Heretics Are Condemned by Their Own Judgment”.
Using right reason and right judgement is to conclude that even though Fr. E. Sylvester Berry [or others including Archbishop Lefebvre for that matter] did not for obvious reasons use the name bergoglio, the shoe fits that ‘’. . . the Teaching of the Church that Heretics Are Condemned by Their Own Judgment” fits the person of ANTIPOPE bergoglio.’’
Thank you for your clarification.