According to Fr. Paul Kramer, Jorge Bergoglio was a public manifest formal heretic BEFORE his “election” of 2013, rendering him an incapable subject of the papacy, and that this is the most clear reason for why he is not pope. I haven’t heard much of Fr. Kramer asserting that Jorge Bergoglio was a public manifest formal heretic before his “election”, but he does make reference to it in his Volume I of “To Deceive the Elect”1. Nevertheless, this is in line with what Archbishop Vigano stated in his speech regarding “defect of consent”2 (see here and here). If true, you can see here Divine Providence at work: Jorge Bergoglio is a public manifest formal heretic; Pope Benedict XVI invalidly “resigns”; Our Lord permits Pope Benedict XVI to invalidly “resign” to protect the office of the papacy from being taken over from a public manifest formal heretic; Jorge Bergoglio, a public manifest formal heretic, is “elected”. We can also reason from the reverse. That Jorge Bergoglio, the current putative pope, is a public manifest formal heretic, there must have been something in the past that rendered his “election” null and void, that is, Pope Benedict XVI invalidly “resigned”. Why did Our Lord permit the invalid “resignation”? He permitted it to protect the office of the papacy from a public manifest formal heretic. The invalid “resignation” and consequent invalid “election” was Our Lord’s way of making it visible to us that Jorge Bergoglio was a public manifest formal heretic at the time of his election, and since public manifest formal heresy per se separates the heretic from the Church, a non-member cannot be pope. Hmm. Interesting. This also supports Opinion No. 1 of the Five Opinions expounded upon by St. Robert Bellarmine, that is, that a true pope simply cannot be a formal heretic.
“Bergoglio in, Heaven and Earth:
‘As I am a believer, I know that these riches are a gift from God. I also know that the other person, the atheist, does not know that. I do not approach the relationship in order to proselytize, or convert the atheist; I respect him and I show myself as I am. Where there is knowledge, there begins to appear esteem, affection, and friendship. I do not have any type of reluctance, nor would I say that his life is condemned, because I am convinced that I do not have the right to make a judgment about the honesty of that person; even less, if he shows me those human virtues that exalt others and do me good.'”
Kramer, Paul. To deceive the elect: The catholic doctrine on the question of a heretical Pope . Kindle Edition.
- “Thus, taking notice of the fact that Bergoglio is a heretic – and Amoris Lætitia or his declaration of the intrinsic immorality of capital punishment would be enough to prove it – we must ask ourselves if the 2013 election was in some way invalidated by a lack of consent; that is, if the one elected wanted to become Pope of the Catholic Church or rather head of what he calls ‘our synodal church’ – which has nothing to do with the Church of Christ precisely because it stands as something other than it. In my opinion, this lack of consent can also be seen in Bergoglio’s behavior, which is ostentatiously and consistently anti-Catholic and heterogeneous with respect to the very essence of the Papacy. There is no action of this man that does not blatantly have the air of rupture with respect to the practice and the Magisterium of the Church, and to this are added the positions taken that are anything but inclusive toward the faithful who do not intend to accept arbitrary innovations, or worse, full-blown heresies.”