Faith & Reason Show Tackles the Legitimacy of Jorge Bergoglio’s “Pontificate”

Starting at the 42 minutes mark of the video below, John-Henry Westen and two regular guests tackle the question of the legitimacy of Jorge Bergoglio’s pontificate using the arguments put forth by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano in his speech titled “Vitium Consensus“.  It is good to see them not being afraid to address this issue.

Keep in mind that a doubtful pope is no pope and therefore obedience is not owed to him:

“…..when there exists a solid evidentiary basis for positive and probable doubt about the validity of a reputed holder of the Petrine office, his status is doubtful, and, as the most eminent authorities affirm, the see is presumed vacant for so long as the doubt persists. In such cases it is unanimously taught by canonists and theologians that one is not bound to accept such a “doubtful pope”. One is permitted to judge privately under such circumstances, because there can exist no public judgment binding upon the whole Church if it is not made in conjunction with the primacy of jurisdiction existing in a true and indubitable pope. Such a primacy cannot be verified as certainly existing in a particular claimant until the doubt is resolved, which can only happen when certitude regarding the identity of the rightful holder of the primatial authority is restored.”

Kramer, Paul. On the true and the false pope: The case against Bergoglio (p. 304). Gondolin Press. Kindle Edition.

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