4 thoughts on “CATHEDRA VERITATIS – Homily on the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter in Rome”

  1. We celebrate the Papacy in a historical phase of grave crisis and apostasy, which has risen even to the level of the Throne on which Peter first sat. And while our hearts are broken in contemplating the ruins caused by the devastation of the innovators to the detriment of so many souls and the glory of the divine Majesty; while we implore from Heaven a light that will allow us to understand how to combine Our Lord’s promise Non prævalebunt with the steady stream of heresies and scandals spread by the one whom Providence has inflicted on us at the head of the ecclesial body as punishment for the sins committed by the Hierarchy in these decades; “while we see the division between those who deluded themselves that they still had a Pope segregated in the Monastery… ”

    Does Ecclesia Militans fall into this last category mentioned? One notices the term, ‘deluded’.

    • Don’t take that necessarily to mean that Archbishop Vigano holds that Benedict XVI was not the true pope from 2013 to 2023. He could simply be meaning that he was pope but not an active one. For sure, however, we know that Archbishop Vigano holds that Jorge Bergoglio did not become true pope because of his defect of consent. Does Pixie fall into the category of those who are deluded to think that Jorge Bergoglio has been pope since 2013?

      • Me thinks you not succeeding in attempting to interpret Vigano’s words in such a way the it is inferred that BXVI was the true pope during Francis’ pontificate. He is quite clear in what he says. He does NOT say that. Nor can anyone accuse Vigano of mincing words. He always says what he means and vice versa.

        To my knowledge, Vigano has never that BXVI still being the pope after Francis’ election not has he plainly stated anything to that effect? Is that correct?

        • “It is plausible that Benedict XVI’s Declaratio of 11 February 2013, due to the critical issues masterfully highlighted by Professor Enrico Maria Radaelli, led to a situation of canonical irregularity that preceded the conclave of March 2013 such as to invalidate it and thus also render null and void the election of the successor of Benedict XVI, regardless of whether the one elected was Bergoglio or a new Pius X.”



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