Our Lady of Fatima promised that in the end Her Immaculate Heart would triumph. I have held for as long as I can remember that Our Lady’s Triumph would come BEFORE the arrival of the Antichrist. However, I know of others, like Fr. Paul Kramer and Eric Gajewski (of TradCatKnight), who have historically held that Our Lady’s Triumph would come AFTER the arrival of the Antichrist. Nevertheless, during the most recent interview on the Jeff Rense Show (see link below), I found it interesting that Fr. Kramer seemed to be softening on his position in that he is now lending a greater probability than he did previously that the Triumph would occur BEFORE the arrival of Antichrist. Start at the 20 minutes mark.
Why do you think?
Mr. Tosic. your positions are very strange.
Consideration for a time from the start of Our Ladies Triumph until the promised period of peace.
Based on Our Lady of Good Success, La Salette, St Bosco’s vision of the Church Triumphant when Her Son will allow Our Lady to begin restoration, Her Triumph may start during the great tribulation and brings humanity into the period of peace.
1. Our Lady tells us that She will be allowed to begin restoration only after the Church appears to completely defeated and swept from the earth. We know in reality that the Church will be underground (Apoc. 12).
2. St Bosco’s vision tells us that the enemy ships trying to destroy the Church begin rejoicing at the Fall of the Holy Father, perhaps a sign of item one above. The Synagogue and Masonic enemies rejoice.
3. Which Pope is the one to fall or die, signifying the end of the Church to Her enemies. Perhaps it is not Benedict XVI but another conciliar Pope to be elected by those N.O. Cardinals that separate themselves from Bergoglio’s church of darkness (Blessed Ann Emmerich). Perhaps it is this conciliar Pope (Bishop in White) is in the vision of Fatima who is killed and thus the sign to the enemies that the Church now is gone.
4. St. Bosco’s vision then tells us to the great surprise of the enemies of the Church that a new Pope miraculously arise to anchor the Church to the Two Pillars of the Faith, the Blessed Sacrament and Our Lady. The enemy ships scatter and destroy one another.
5. Perhaps this destruction of the enemies would be during the great tribulation and battle against the Antichrist (Apoc 13-16).
6. Our Lady leads the battle with Her Sons the Pope of Triumph and perhaps the Holy Monarch to the era of peace.
For consideration, to Our Lady of Victory!
While I have not yet listened to the latest talk on Rense Radio with Fr. Paul Kramer, I have found this website to be most interesting regarding prophecies from various Catholic Saints (Ven. Bl., etc.) through the years. It too has been my understanding that there will be a chastisement that culminates in Three Days of Darkness, after which a period of restoration and peace will be ushered in. This time of peace, the time of Mary’s Triumph, will not be long and again people will fall into sin, many people, and then the Antichrist will come and this will lead to the coming of Our Lord and the Final Judgement.
The website is titled – The Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecies – and here is the link:
Viva Cristo Rey!
Thank you, Kathleen. I have often linked to articles of this website.
What are your thoughts about Father E. Sylvester Berry’s commentary “The Apocalypse of St. John”?
I am not sure.
Father Berry is of the opinion that the coming of the Antichrist will precede the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, that the Antichrist will be a Jewish false messiah and the False Prophet will be an antipope and that Jerusalem will once again be the capital city of the Papacy and the Catholic Church after the defeat of the Antichrist.
I suppose it may depend on which prophesies you consider. Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser, for example, posits Seven Ages (or Epochs), where Antichrist would arrive at the END of Mary’s reign during the Age of Consolation (more on that here:https://www.traditioninaction.org/religious/g022_Judg-8.htm).
Of course, the fascinating part is that the Age of Consolation may not last very long, and could be upon us at any time. That age may only last for about 25 years.
Let’s say, hypothetically, that Our Lady’s Triumph ushers in the Age of Consolation in 2029. If you add another 25 years to that, it would close and lead into the Age of Desolation in the year 2054. Now, what if the Age of Desolation marks the APPEARANCE of the Antichrist, not just his birth? It means, if we should see him in his mid-to-late 30s in 2054, that he’s ALREADY alive, as a small child somewhere.
At either rate, these details are impossible to perfectly untangle and predict. So, we must strive for holiness, consecrate ourselves to Jesus through Mary, and get ready for a wild ride.
Thank you for your comment. His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson gave a great conference on the Seven Ages of the Church. See the following link: