8 thoughts on “Archaeologism Part I: The Synod of Pistoia”

  1. Interesting thing about archaeologism is that Pius XII condemns it in 1947, but then approves it in his Holy Week reforms of 1951-1956 (ie., Archaeologism is the basis upon which most of the changes are made/justified).

    • I agree with the likes of Archbishop Vigano and Fr. David Hewko that we need to go back to the pre-1955 liturgy.

        • Gulp. Does this mean you would not attend a Mass in which the priest uses the 1962 Missal outside of Holy Week?

          • No. Although the transitional missal of 1962 was a deliberate degradation en route to the Novus Ordo (just as were the Pian Holy Week rites and the “dialogue Mass” which preceded it), the degradations and n the former consist mostly in omissions rather than overt infusions of archaeologism and modernism present in the latter.

            As I have kids to think of/protect, I’ll not expose them to those ruinous anti liturgical principles, lest one day the devil whisper to them, “But the versus populum, vernacular, etc were already present before Vatican II. How could they be a problem?”

            • Sorry, Sean, I am confused. My understanding by “the Novus Ordo of Pius XII” is the 1955 Holy Week changes. I am writing about outside of Holy Week using the 1962 Missal. Is attending a Mass in which the priest uses the 1962 Missal (outside of Holy Week) acceptable to you?


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