The following are Louie’s words from the article linked below:
“This isn’t complicated folks. ‘He has lost’ is past tense, i.e., the authors of the Statement are calling for Francis to resign the papacy, but then, within the very same sentence, they state that he has already lost the papacy.”
“First of all, as Ballerini states (and Bellarmine confirms below), the sin of public pertinacious heresy – apart from any criminal ‘conviction’ or declaration – serves to separate a man from the Church and likewise from the papacy.”
“And yet, what the Church has always and everywhere taught about the public pertinacious heretic is that he ‘ceases in himself to be a member of the body of the Church,’ to quote Bellarmine once more. This, my friends, is not in doubt in the least. In fact, he who doubts it and refuses to submit to what the Church teaches in the matter is casting doubt on his own membership.”
“For a Catholic, no doubt can exist whatsoever: Heretics like Francis are not members of the Church, and non-members cannot be pope. Nothing could be simpler. And yet, the authors of the Major Statement evidently do harbor doubt on these points.”
My friends, if you hold that Jorge Bergoglio has committed the public sin of manifest formal heresy, then you must needs hold that he is not the pope. It is that simple.