Vigano’s Trial & SSPX’s Favorable Views on Rome – Père Chazal

In this sermon, Fr. Francois Chazal states that (public) heresy severs one from the Catholic Church. In regards to one who has an office, (public) heresy causes immediate loss of legitimacy of all the acts of that office. This is because of the nature of (public) heresy. Since Fr. Chazal holds that Jorge Bergoglio is a public heretic, he holds that consequently all Jorge Bergoglio’s acts are illegitimate.  However, Father does not hold that all of Jorge Bergoglio’s acts are invalid.  This statement of mine is based on communications that I have had with Fr. Chazal (see here).  Fr. Chazal relies on the concept of supplied jurisdiction to defend his position regarding the validity of at least some of Jorge Bergoglio’s acts.  This thesis, regarding validity, is tenable, but I do not fully embrace it, at least not at this time.