Feast of St. Louis IX, King of France and Patron of the Third Order Secular of St. Francis

I wish you all a most blessed Feast of St. Louis IX, King of France and Patron of the Third Order Secular of St. Francis!

Franciscan tertiaries and cordbearers may obtain a plenary indulgence this day by renewing their profession/novitiate/commitment and fulfilling the usual conditions required for a plenary indulgence.

Photo Credit: Saint Louis, King Louis IX of France receives Robert of Nantes, Patriarch of Jerusalem, in Damietta, Egypt, in June of 1249. Robert is lending his knights to the battle ahead, the Seventh Crusade. Nineteenth century painting by French artist Oscar Gué.

Feast of St. Anthony

I wish you all a most blessed Feast of St. Anthony!

Cordbearers of the Archconfraternity of St. Francis may obtain a plenary indulgence this day by renewing their commitment to the Archconfraternity and fulfilling the other conditions necessary for a plenary indulgence.