
Welcome to the Catholic Resistance in Canada.  Whereas we do not represent all Canadian Catholics of the Resistance, we are a group that have made efforts to form an alliance, especially between the cities of Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal.  You may read our Mission Statement hereWe would be happy to hear from Catholics all over the world who agree with this Mission Statement.


10 thoughts on “Welcome”

  1. Viva Cristo Rey!

    The Catholic Resistance in Poland is with you. Be courageous and do not give ever give up. The fight will be hard, but the truth in this matter is with us, not the Menzingen sell-out band.

    In Christo Rege,
    Pelayo of Asturias

  2. Congratulations on this wonderful development. Will definitely keep in touch. I truly love your Mission Statement and its background. Can you tell me where to register. I found the log-in box, but not where to register.

  3. Dear friends: This battle, is God´s battle!!. We are very proud to see brave priests following our God´ footprints. God bless you all. Isabel

  4. Please sign up your site at the Official Web site of the Resistance.


    Sermons of the Padres that visit your Chapel should be sent there as well as on your site that we may distribute them.

    Please send me an e-mail that I might send to you Father Hewko’s latest: Truth or Consequences.

    During our trip to Mexico, I was able to have several poster sized images of Our Lady of Guadalupe touched to the Tilma.

    Please let me know if one of these can be used at your Chapel.

    God bless your efforts.

    Viva Cristo Rey!



  5. Dear Friend,

    You know, dear friend, that the fight and the flag, raised by Catholic tradition, will bring to everyone, especially in these times, inevitably consequences, as demonstrated by the facts, that will become usual due to the attacks that manifested in pursuit political or religious.
    For this reason, I would, with all due respect, recommend to you, be strong in faith and hopeful prayer in the Blessed Virgin and San Miguel Archangel, and wish for you and your families, fortitude and discernment in the face of impending persecution.
    You can always count on my prayers and sacrifices for the sake of your apostolate in Canada.
    “Quia solus non sum, gaudeo in proelio.”



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